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Meet the Philosophy Department

Mr. Brian Dorrian - Chairperson

I am originally from New York, with six years of experience dedicated to fostering a love for critical thinking and promoting the Catholic intellectual tradition. To me, teaching in a Catholic school is more than just a career—it’s a vocation, a calling to guide young minds in both faith and reason. I’m passionate about creating a classroom environment where students are encouraged to ask deep questions, think critically, and explore the profound truths of our faith. My goal is to inspire a lifelong love of learning, grounded in the wisdom of the Church and the timeless teachings of the Catholic tradition.



Ms. Emily Torres

Ms. Torres teaches 9th grade philosophy at Charlotte Catholic. She has both a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience. She is a Catholic convert to the Church, and does apologetics work online with Catholic Answers.  
