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Meet the Science Department

Mrs. Kara McManus - Department Head

Mrs. McManus is a member and Chair of the Science Department. She teaches Advanced Biology and Oceanography classes.






Mrs. Rebecca Culicerto- Department Head

Becky Culicerto is a member of the Science department. She teaches Advanced Biology and AP Biology. She is a graduate of Charlotte Catholic and holds a Biology degree from The Catholic University of America.





Mrs. Suzanne Albertson

Mrs. Albertson is a member of the Science Department. She teaches Advanced Chemistry and AP Environmental Science classes.  





Mrs. Karen Belciglio

Karen Belciglio has over 25 years of teaching experience, with 18 of them at Charlotte Catholic. With an MS in Chemistry from UMD, she is also state licensed in both Science and Social Studies. Mrs. B prefers Chemistry to all other disciplines, having taught all levels of this challenging subject. Additionally, she is Faculty Advisor to the Science National Honors Society, which presents the popular STEAM Career Day. She has two wonderful sons, one an IT tech who is a CCHS alumni of 2006, and the other a Broadway performer, singer, and minister of music. Her amazing spouse, Joe, is a vice president at Bank of America. She attends St. Peter's Catholic Church in downtown Charlotte and teaches chemistry at Central Piedmont Community College in her evening hours.


Mrs. Michelle Bick



Mrs. Stephanie Crainer



Mrs. Katherine Cusack







Mrs. Alana Hayes



Mrs. Janice High

Mrs. High is a member of the Science Department. She teaches Biology and Advanced Biology.



Mrs. Carmen Kohn

Mrs. Kohn is a member of the Science department. She teaches Biology 1 and Advanced Biology. A native New Yorker, she earned her Masters degree from Fordham University. Mrs Kohn has been at CCHS in various roles, including Debate Coach and Health teacher.





Mrs. Melissa Madden

Melissa Madden is currently in her 13th year at Charlotte Catholic. She began teaching at High Point Central in 2001. Mrs. Madden teaches Honors and AP Physics. She holds a BS in chemistry and physics from Guilford College and a Masters in Teaching from UNC-Charlotte. Mrs. Madden's two children are current MACS students and her husband is a CCHS alumnus. Mrs. Madden believes in the Catholic community that is fostered at Charlotte Catholic and feels blessed to work in such a loving environment.




Mr. Mansour Mansour

Mr. Mansour has been teaching at Charlotte Catholic for 5 years. He teaches Integrated Chemistry and Physics classes. 





Ms. Marisa Neider



Mrs. Tracy Tripp

Mrs. Tripp is a member of the Science Department. She teaches 9th Grade Biology and Environmental Science classes. 
