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Charlotte Catholic has various club offerings, from service and Catholic worshipping to sports, games and hobbies... There is a club to fit the interests of every student! 

If you are unable to attend Club Day and want to join a club, just let the club advisor know you are interested in joining. Then please send an email from your school email account to Maria Yarussi ( letting her know which club you have joined so your name will be added to the club roster. It is never too late to join a club!


AAPI Awareness Club

Mr. Pham - Room 301

The AAPI Awareness Club is a club that allows students who are interested in or share an Asian-American Pacific Islander ethnic background and the Catholic faith. Together we aspire to spread awareness about different Asian cultures and educate others on topics such as Asian hate and discrimination.

Achievers Club

Dr. Sigwald - Room 225

The purpose of the Achievers Club is to create an intentional space for sharing among Black students and other students at Charlotte Catholic. Club members, in consultation with their advisor, will determine guest speakers, presentations, topics for discussion, and/or service-learning projects throughout the year.

American Heart Association

Mr. Kuhn - Room 219

The American Heart Association club seeks to spread heart health awareness and to do service with heart health groups especially those who serve the underprivileged and minorities.


Antrhopology Club

Mr. Goodier - Room 300

The purpose of the Anthropology club is to educate our school community on the subjects of archeology and anthropology through archeological digs and service opportunities.


Art Club
Mrs. Parks - Room 621

The Art club will work to build a community with a shared common love for art and learn and improve drawing, painting, and 3D art skills.

Beach Volleyball Club

Coach Bolling - Gym

The purpose of this club is to help students exercise outside of school and to meet and hangout with people they might not know but share a common interest with.

Beautification Club

Ms. Ascik- Room 304

The Charlotte Catholic Beautification Club will work to improve student life and honor God by beautifying the campus through service projects and physical decoration.


Best Buddies Club
Mrs. Floriani - Room 229

The Best Buddies Club is dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for 1:1 friendships.

Bible Study
Mr. Goodier - Room 300

The purpose of the Bible Study Club is to dive deeper into the word, listen to God’s word to impact our spiritual lives.


Bird Watching Club

Mrs. Tripp - Room 324

This club will go bird watching to gain knowledge of avian species and behavior over the course of the school year.

Book Club

Ms. Finegan - Library

The Book Club will work to get students to read more outside of school and raise money towards public libraries.

Bracelets for Benefit
Mrs. Taylor - Room 624

The mission/purpose of the club is to make bracelets to donate to various organizations. 


The Breakfast Club

Mrs. Mirizio - Room 610

The mission of the Breakfast Club is to break the barriers of friend groups and socialize with a variety of different people over the most important meal of the day.

Business Professionals of America

Mr. Georges - Room 316

The Business Professionals of America Club helps students to meet others interested in Business careers like Business Administration, Finance/Accounting, Computer Programming. They will also host guest speakers to provide tips and skills to empower students to lead in today’s business-technology environments.

Cakes for a Cause
Mrs. Adamian - Room 521

The purpose of this club is to bake cakes and other treats and use raised money to donate to the local homeless shelter.

Campus Ministry Club
Ms. Yarussi - Campus Ministry


Caring Cards
Mr. Galarde - Room 534

Our mission is to make sure others feel supported and cared for while undergoing hard times. We will strive to leave an impact on others and consistently try to brighten their day as much as possible.


Caritas Club

Mr. Kuhn - Room 219

Cause for the NICU
Mrs. Cusack - Room 310

The purpose of the Cause for the NICU club is to Help raise awareness for babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. 

Clothes-To-Go Club

Mr. Kennelly - Room 309

The mission of Clothes-to-go is to get slightly-used clothes to donate to a homeless shelter, while spiritually including the catholic Community 

CLT Foundation - Changing Lives Together

Mrs. Taylor - Room 624

The purpose of CLT Foundation is to enrich and change the lives of special needs kids as well as kids with life altering medical circumstances. 

CLT Clean Up

Ms. Finegan - Room 223

The purpose of CLT Clean Up is for students at CCHS to meet up after school and help clean areas around Charlotte. 

Cookies for Kids

Mr. Sifuentes - Room 304

The purpose of Cookies for Kids is to cheer up kids in the hospital with cookies and crafts. 

Dress for Success

Mrs. Cusack

The purpose of Dress for Success is to support those who can not afford work clothes by collecting work attire/interview clothes. We will also learn how to properly prepare for interviews. 

Drive Safe, Save Lives

Miss Yarussi

The mission of the club is to educate people on the importance of safe and responsible driving and to bring more awareness to this crucial issue in our community. Let's work together to make our roads safer for everyone.

Environmental Club

Mrs. Albertson - Room 325

The purpose of this Club is to establish a physical connection of stewardship for God’s creation with service projects that improve our treatment of ecosystems and resources.  

Families Forward Charlotte
Mr. Goodier - Room 300

The mission of this club is to organize drives, in conjunction with the Families Forward Charlotte organization, to help families in need.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Catholic Athletes for Christ
Coach Christmas - Gym

The purpose of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes is to help athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same through volunteering and evangelization.


FIAT (Girls Only)
Ms. Torres/Ms. Hilgen - Room #

The mission of the FIAT Club is to create a safe space for girls who are serious about their faith (or want to be) and foster supportive Christian friendships.

Figure Skating Club
Mrs. Fiddes - Room 201

The purpose of the Figure Skating Club is to share a love of figure skating with other students and teach interested students how to skate.

Finance Club

Ms. Moricone - Room 202

The purpose of the Finance club is to learn more about personal finance, the stock market, and financial careers. 

Fishing Club

Mr. Kosanovich - Room 531

The mission of the Fishing club is to make new friends while fishing! We will explore the outdoors, fish, and have fun. 


Flour Power Baking Club
Ms. Cabana - Room 512

The Flour Power Baking Club hosts bake sales throughout the year to raise money for charity and hosts baking events to donate baked goods.


Freedom School Club
Mrs. Winters - Room 524

The Freedom School Club is meant to collect supplies and volunteer for Freedom School to help kids prevent summer learning loss.

Gaming Club
Mr. Sifuentes / Mr. Lee - Room 304

The goal of the Gaming Club is to provide a hangout space for students with interest in gaming of any kind and to provide a space that is both competitive and friendly.

German Club

Mrs. Schmid-Rankin - Room 527

The German Club works to promote the German language and culture through educational meetings, events, and service projects.


Global Citizens Club

Ms. Cabana - Room 512

The Global Citizens Club will meet to discuss global events and raise awareness by supporting organizations with fundraising and service grounded in faith and charity.

Golden Hearts Club

Mrs. Cusack - Room 310

The purpose of the Golden Hearts Club is to bring joy to under privileged senior citizens.

Golf Club

Mr. Panther - Room 214

The CCHS Golf Club is a group of service-oriented students who strive to have a positive impact on the community while enjoying the game of golf.

Guitar Club
Mrs. Friedman - Room 303

The Guitar Club is meant to create a welcoming environment for students who play or want to learn guitar.

Gymnastic Club

Mr. Goodier - Room 300

The purpose of the Gymnastics Club is to bring gymnastics to Charlotte Catholic High School. Students will be educated on gymnastics, go to open gym, and watch routines. 

Hands for Hearts
Ms. Adamian - Room 521

Hands for Hearts is a non-profit organization that helps children affected by congenital heart defects.

Happy Holiday Club

Ms. Cary - Room 526

The purpose of Happy Holiday Club is to help underprivileged people during the holidays. We want to make holidays special for others. 

Hearts of Hope

Mr. Dorsett - Room 306

The purpose of the Hearts of Hope club is to provide service opportunities to who can not find any. We also provide rides for those who can not drive themselves. We are dedicated to helping those in need. 

Holy Angels Club

Ms. Bick - Room 318

The mission of this club is to work with the Holy Angels organization by doing service projects to help the disabled residents of Holy Angels. 

Ms. Tripp - Room 324

The purpose of the HOSA Club is to have doctors and nurses share their stories. HOSA is a program that hosts conferences and meetings as well as offers opportunities to shadow doctors.


Interact Club

Mrs. Friedman - Room 303

The purpose of Interact is to help students with their leadership abilities through service projects and meetings.



Japanese Anime Club
Mrs. Chamberlain - Room 213

The Japanese Anime Club is meant to give students a safe place to enjoy anime. Also, members will work with veterans and active military members for various activities and service projects.

Kids Konnect Ukraine Club

Mrs. Cusack - Room 310

The mission of the Kids Konnect Ukraine Club is to help kids learn empathy, cross-culture sharing, and strong values by building a digital bridge between Ukrainian and American youths.


Latin Club

Mrs. Cona - Room 200

The mission of the Latin Club is to participate in International week and to promote Latin Language to students. 

Legacy Club

Mrs. Zimmer - Room 211

The purpose of the Legacy club is to bring together students whose parent(s) are graduates of CCHS to foster community and strengthen the alumni connection. 

Letters to Little Buddies
Mrs. Ascik - Room 304

Each member of the Letters to Little Buddies Club will have a pen pal from a MACS elementary school and write letters to them and do different projects with them.

Live Like Bryant Club

Coach Chuttey - Library

The Mission of the Live Like Bryant Club is to raise money for he LLB foundation and help underprivileged children. 

Maui Club

Coach Christmas - Gym

The purpose of this club is to raise money for victims of wildfires in Maui. 

Mel's Diner Club

Mr. Georges - Room 316

The Mel’s Diner Club will work to provide food for people in need such as the homeless in our community and refugees 1 Saturday per month.

Mental Health Club

Mrs. Clementi (Hager) - College Center

The purpose of the Mental Health Club is to bring awareness to mental health issues in our school community and helping others in need. 

Model United Nation (MUN)

Ms. Finegan - Room 231

The purpose of MUN is to further the understanding of the United Nations. Modeling the promotion of peace through cooperation and diplomacy at Mock events and how to properly position stand. 

Morgan's Message
Ms. Carey - Room 526

The purpose of Morgan’s Message is to normalize conversations about the mental and physical challenges that are prevalent in the student-athlete community, especially at Charlotte Catholic.

Movie Appreciation Club

Mrs. Cabana - Room 512

The purpose of Movie Appreciation Club is to bring together people who enjoy film and movies. We will also organize volunteer events to help local film or visual media institutions. 


Muffin Ministry Club

El Fahsi - Room 208

The purpose of the Muffin Ministry club is to bake muffins for the needy in partner with Muffin Ministry at St. Matthews. 

Operation Smile
Mr. Smith - Room 222

Operation Smile sponsors teams of plastic surgeons and medical personnel to operate on children with cleft palates in third-world countries.

Outdoors Club

Mr. Kennelly - Room 309

The purpose of this club is to educate students about wilderness safety and to get more students outdoors. Also, to get students closer to God by appreciating the beauty of His creations. 

Passion for Fashion
Mrs. Simpson - Room 514

The Passion for Fashion Club will collect gently used clothes to sell second hand and donate the proceeds to women’s charities.

Pawsitive Impact Society

Mr. Galarde - Room 534

The purpose of Pawsitive Impact Society is to help support the humane society of Charlotte by making toys, donating food, and volunteering at the shelter. 


Penpal/Create for Kids Club

Mr. Galarde - Room 534

The purpose of the Penpal/Create for Kids is to create cards, care packages, and art units for children in the hospital who have recent cancer diagnosis. 

Physics & Astronomy Club

Ms. Madden - Room 532

The purpose of the Physics and Astronomy Club is to motivate interest in the sciences, as well as encourage existing interest through opportunities to engage in useful experiences. 

Pickleball Club
Mrs. Best - Gym

The purpose of the Pickleball Club is to allow students to participate in a very fun sport and make lasting connections with other students.

Ping Pong Club
Mr. Needham - Counseling

The Ping Pong Club’s goal is to establish a community of new or existing ping pong players. We aim to improve upon the game in new, meaningful, and creative ways.

Poetry Club
Mr. Smith - Room 222

The Poetry Club will gather to create original poetry in a fun, relaxed environment where members can read and review their works, as well as appreciate the various forms and authors of poetry.

Pokemon Club
Mr. Tucker - Room 516

The Pokemon Club allows students to come together in a fun, accepting environment to enjoy Pokemon and make friends.

Powerlifting Club

Coach Hazel - Weight Room

The purpose of the Powerlifting Club is to come together with our combined passion for weightlifting and to compete. 

Red Cross Club

Mrs. Tripp - Room 324

The purpose of the Red cross club is to show knowledge and life-saving skills to prepare yourself for certain life changing situations.  

RMHC of Greater Charlotte Club
Mrs. Burnham - Room 206

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Charlotte Club will do bake sale fundraisers and supply drives to donate to the charity, and visit the residents at the house every other month.

Robotics Club

Mr. Tucker - Room 517

The purpose of the Robotics Club is to promote STEAM in charlotte Catholic and allow members to get hands on experience in one of the most important fields of engineering for the future.

Rock Climbing Club

Mr. Kalbaugh - Room 217

The purpose of this club is to both inform new people about climbing and how fun it can be, and to also find people who already climb and invite them to climb in a group. 

Rosary Club
Mr. Kennelly - Room 309

The purpose of the Rosary club is to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the peaceful grace provided through the prayer of the Holy Rosary. 

Rugby Club

Mr. Kuhn - Room 219

The purpose of the Rugby Club is to represent CCHS and our catholic faith against other rugby teams while displaying virtue, loyalty and bringing honor to Charlotte Catholic.

Running with Reason

Mr. Georges - Room 316

The purpose of the Running with Reason club is to help raise awareness for different charities in charlotte by attending 5ks that are supporting them. We will focus on a different charity each quarter. 


SAGE - Service and Gratitude for Everyone
Ms. Cabana - Room 512

The SAGE Club will work to unite and support all of God’s children, foster open dialogue within our faith-based community, and raise money in an effort to support unhoused youth.

Sailing Club

Mrs. Tripp - Room 324

The purpose of the Sailing Club is to have fun sailing with friends and learn how to sail. 

Service Academy Club
Mr. Needham - Counseling

The Service Academy Club will work to help students apply and prepare for each aspect of being in a military academy.

Short Film Club

Mr. Riter - Room 611

The purpose of this club is to make films more accessible to spread creativity and entertain our community with the use of film. 

Smiley Note Club
Mrs. Madden - Room 532

The Smiley Note Club wishes to make students in the CCHS community feel welcomed and cared for by writing kind words on sticky notes - or smiley notes - that will be posted around the school.

Soccer Souls

Mrs. Yarussi - Room 311

The mission of Soccer Souls is to spread the joy of soccer to others who either don’t know the game or don’t have the resources to play. 

Sons of St. Joseph

Mr. Lee - Campus Ministry

The purpose of the Sons of St. Joseph Club is to provide an opportunity for young men to serve during daily and All School Mass. 


Spanish Club
Mrs. Palomino - Room 204

The mission of the Spanish Club is to further educate our students by sharing experiences of Spanish-speaking communities by bringing in Spanish speakers to talk about their lives.

Spanish Honor Society
Mrs. Garmilla

The Spanish Honor Society will do volunteer work throughout the school year through MiraVia, the Missionaries of the Poor, and other local parishes.


Speech and Debate
Mrs. Taylor

The Speech and Debate team helps people to improve speaking and debating skills by competing at tournaments and creating a great community.

Sports Management Club

Mr. Goodier - Room 300

The purpose of the Sports Management club is to discuss sports and manage a sports team. We will practice this by doing fantasy sports leagues. 

Sports Medicine
Mr. Wisocki - Training Room

The Sports Medicine Club works to provide the best healthcare for athletes at CCHS while also educating students in methods of sports medicine and athletic care.

Stand Up to Cancer
Mrs. Parks - Counseling

The purpose of this club is to raise money to aid cancer research and spread awareness about cancer and the impact that it can have on the lives of those around us.

Stay Gold

Mr. Matthews - Room 307

The goal of Stay Gold is to bring confidence and connections to Charlotte Catholic and the entire MAC system to foster a new group of outgoing leaders who aren't afraid to lead a crowd.


Ms. Crainer - Room 319

The purpose of STEAM is to expand our schools knowledge and interest in Science, Technology, engineering, art, and math. 

Theatre Club

Mr. Riter - Room 611

The purpose of the Theatre Club is to work towards memberships in the International Thespian Society (ITS)

Think Pink
Mrs. Nobary - Room 105

The purpose of this club is to spread awareness about breast cancer with the organization Go Jen Go. 

Ultimate Frisbee Club

Coach Bolling - Gym

The purpose of this club is to spread awareness about breast cancer with the organization Go Jen Go. 

Unapologetically Catholic

Mr. Lee - Campus Ministry

The purpose of the Unapologetically Catholic Club is to push the difficult topics of Catholicism into light as to give the students at CCHS more insight into what the Catholic faith teaches. 

Voices for Life
Mrs. Cona - Room 200

The Voices for Life exists to educate students on beginning and end of life issues and to advocate for the voiceless through prayer, service projects, and guest speakers.

Wakeboarding Club
Mr. Kennelly - Room 309

The purpose of the Wakeboarding club is to spend time outdoors, on the water, and socialize with new people.


Wayfinders Ambassador Club
Ms. Carey - Room 526

The purpose of the Wayfinders Ambassador Club is to provide service opportunities to students and help unserved scholars at Wayfinders.

Walking with Moms in Need
Mr. Kennelly - Room 309

The Walking with Moms in Need Club will help mothers who are in need of financial and mental support while pregnant and raising their children. They work in conjunction with St. Matthew Catholic Church.


Young Authors Club
Mr. Gbenyon - Room 308

The Young Authors Club works to improve creative writing skills, share writing projects, and cultivate a love of creating writing.

Young Patriots
Mrs. Ascik - Room 309

The purpose of Young Patriots is to instill Catholic values, good catholic/Christian morals, determine and define objective truths, and to educate our members on the falling policies in society and our government. 

Young Volunteers for Cystic Fibrosis
Mrs. McManus - Room 305

The Young Volunteers for Cystic Fibrosis Club will work to support the fight for a cure for cystic fibrosis by offering volunteering and fundraising opportunities to students.

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