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CCHS Nominated Scholarships

Charlotte Catholic nominates students to compete for some of the most prestigious and competitive scholarships in the country. In order to simplify the process for students, CCHS Scholarship Committee members have created one application packet students must use in the nominating process for the following scholarships:

John Montgomery Belk Scholarship to Davidson College
Park Scholarship to North Carolina State University
The Jefferson Scholars Scholarship to the University of Virginia
The Morehead-Cain to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

In order to be considered as a Charlotte Catholic nominee, complete the CCHS preliminary application and résumé. Please give careful consideration to these questions as this will be the committee’s only glimpse of you beyond your SAT scores and GPA. Researching the selection criteria for each of these scholarships may be helpful to review as you complete this preliminary application. Past recipients have generally had above a 4.3 with test scores above 1430 SAT or 31 ACT.

Applications are available to Juniors in May of their Junior year.  Please return your preliminary application and résumé to Mr. Needham in Counseling via email at Please do not wait until the last few days to complete this application. Thoughtful and carefully written essays will be paramount in the committee’s evaluation.

If you have any questions about this process, please see your counselor or me before end of the school year.